Get To Know Your Universe With Google Sky

You can now explore galaxies, planets, view the constellations and a few other features. Looks like a great upgrade to the already view cool Google Earth...

Sally Ride, the first American female astronaut. Here is a look at the new Sky Feature in Google Earth...


Silent Snob said...


i can't believe google have managed to allow people look at galaxies and constellations! it is amazing how far technology has gone!

This may sound a little geaky, but i love space and universe's and stuff...

Google earth is dong some pretty awesome stuff... I really love it! i cant wait to try it out.

I wonder how long it would have taken them to make this! its unimaginable!

could you please go on my blog and leave a comment if you feel appropriate.

i wont post the link just incase you feel it is spamming;)

1Green Thumb said...

Go ahead and leave your your link... I can't get to it through your profile, won't let me...

Silent Snob said...