Google Voice And Video Chat

This is a really cool application that Google just introduced. Basically its a downloadable application that allows your gmail to have voice and video chat right on your computer. After all who really needs phones these days. Have a look at the video below for more information and instructions to install Google Voice & Video Chat.

Google Introduces Google Voice

In case you missed it last week Google released Google Voice, formerly known as Grand Central. This handy service allows you to combine multiple phone number to ring on a single phone. For example if you have a cell phone, home phone and an office phone you can get one unique number that will ring on all three phones! No more confusion! They also give the ability to turn your voicemails into text so you can read them in e-mail form! Very cool...

Here is a bit more info about the Voicemail features...

What do you think about Google Voice? Has anyone tried it out yet?